Creating the Perfect Bedtime Routine for Your Baby

baby sleeping in blue swaddle

As a new parent, you may have been told about the importance of sleep routines for your newborn. With so much information out there, it is often very difficult to narrow down the tips and tricks that will work for you and your baby's sleep schedule.

When it’s time to go to sleep at night, you probably don’t just hop into bed in the clothes you wore all day and turn out the light. Whether you realize it or not, you follow a routine — brushing your teeth, washing your face, changing into pajamas, and maybe reading for a little while before lights out. Like you, your baby can benefit from a consistent and predictable bedtime routine. Here's how to establish a nighttime routine for your newborn that can make bedtime smoother and more enjoyable for everyone.

Why a Bedtime Routine is Important

Routines are important for both babies and parents. They help to create a sense of calm and peace in the household while also preparing your baby for sleep. A baby bedtime routine signals to your little one that it’s time to wind down and go to sleep. The best routine works with your family's schedule and can be implemented consistently, bridging the transition from a busy day to a tranquil night. These moments may become the coziest and calmest you spend with your child every day.

A regular bedtime ritual creates a sense of comfort that can be especially helpful during challenging sleep periods, such as when you're sleep training or when your baby is going through a sleep regression. Bedtime routines reinforce babies' natural circadian rhythms, helping teach them the difference between day and night. Later on, a baby bedtime routine helps little ones slow down and prepare mentally for bedtime.

When to Start a Bedtime Routine for Your Baby

Don't pressure yourself to impose a bedtime routine as soon as you get home from the hospital with your newborn. After all, your baby has to recover from the effort of being born — and so do you! Newborns don’t have enough of a sense of day and night to have any predictable patterns.

However, when your baby is around 6 to 8 weeks old, you can start trying a bedtime routine. It should be very short at first — maybe just a cuddly feeding and a brief reading of a book.

The Best Bedtime Routine for Your Baby

There is no one-size-fits-all bedtime routine that works for every baby. Try to be flexible and find what suits both you and your baby. Here's an example of a bedtime routine that works for many families:

A Soothing Bath

Warm water has sleep-inducing powers. Try incorporating a mild soap or lotion with chamomile or lavender into your baby’s bath time for extra relaxation. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) doesn't recommend bathing newborns and babies every night, however, because it can dry out their delicate, sensitive skin.

A Feed with Cuddles

 A nightcap fills your baby's tank before the night ahead. If they have any teeth, brush them (and wipe their gums) when you’re done. And if your baby tends to fall asleep during feedings, push up this part of the routine before the bath.


Settle down into your glider or rocking chair and read a favorite book in a quiet, calm voice.

Gentle Infant Massage

Research suggests that babies who get a rub-down before bedtime produce more of the hormone melatonin, which helps them sleep.


A soft song or lullaby sets the stage for sleep. Save the tickle monster and other rougher games for earlier in the day.

White Noise

The uterus is a pretty noisy place between your breathing and gurgling stomach — which is why many infants find white noise or a musical mobile soothing at bedtime.

A Few Parting Words

 Say some comforting, predictable words to your baby before leaving the room, like "Goodnight, I love you," with a stroke on the cheek and a kiss on the head.

Tips for Establishing a Baby Bedtime Routine


The most important factor for baby sleep is consistency. You should begin this routine about 6-8 weeks after birth so the baby has time to develop an understanding of the rhythm. Keep the same bedtime and naptime routine every day. This will help your baby know when it's time to sleep and make it easier for them to fall asleep.

You don't need to do anything fancy to create a good sleep routine for your baby. Even if you just rock your baby for a few minutes and read a book, that can be enough to help them relax and fall asleep. Keep it simple!

Proper Timing

It's important to keep track of your baby's natural sleep patterns and put them to bed at the right time. Most babies need about 14-15 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period. You can figure out when your baby's longest sleep window is by keeping a sleep log. This will help you know when to put your baby down for their naps and nighttime sleep.

Every baby is different so make sure you are tailoring the sleep routine to your child. Begin your nighttime routine when they usually sleep the longest. That may differ for each baby.

The Right Atmosphere

Your baby's sleep environment should be dark, quiet, and cool. A sound machine can help drown out any outside noise that might keep your baby awake. For maximum safety, your baby should always sleep alone. There should be no blankets or other objects in their crib with them.

The back is the best sleeping position for babies. Your child should be sleeping in their own crib with a firm, flat mattress, and a fitted sheet.

The Right Sleep Clothing

Dress your baby in comfortable sleep clothing that is not too loose or too tight. Avoid dressing them in clothes with buttons or snaps as these can be uncomfortable.

A perfect option for clothing is the magic sleepsuit. Designed for comfort, safety, and swaddle transitioning, the magic sleepsuit helps babies sleep more soundly.

The Same Place Every Time

Your baby should always sleep in the same place, preferably in their own crib or bassinet. This will help them associate sleep with a particular place and make it easier for them to fall asleep on their own.

Create a Shorter Nap Routine

 Abbreviating your baby’s nighttime routine for a nap routine helps reinforce their sleep cues to encourage the transition to dreamland.

Establishing a bedtime routine for your baby can lead to better sleep for both of you. With consistency and a bit of patience, these rituals can help make bedtime a calm and cherished part of your day.

Benefits of a Bedtime Routine

A consistent sleep routine helps:

  • Your baby fall asleep

A calming bedtime ritual that follows a predictable pattern every night gives your baby a heads-up that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep, which in turn helps them to nod off.

  • Your baby stay asleep

 Sleep regressions — where babies have a hard time falling or staying asleep — are normal throughout the first year and beyond. Having a bedtime routine in place offers comfort that can help your baby get through these phases.

  • Your baby learn

 Sleep is important for their development too. Getting quality sleep helps your baby consolidate the many lessons they learned during the day to memory.

  • You to relax

 A bedtime routine is a wonderful way to bond with your little one at the end of a long day, and it just might make evenings more relaxing for you too.

Tips for New Parents to establish night time routine

As a new parent, you may feel overwhelmed with the various tips and advice about baby sleep routines. Navigating this journey can be challenging, but here are a few more tips to help you establish a successful bedtime routine for your baby:

Start Small and Simple

You don't need an elaborate routine to help your baby wind down. Begin with simple activities that can easily become part of your nightly ritual. Even straightforward actions like rocking your baby in a chair and reading a short, calming book can signal to your baby that it's time to sleep. These gentle, consistent actions create a sense of predictability and comfort, which can significantly ease the transition to sleep.

Be Patient

It might take a few weeks for your baby to adjust to the new routine. Babies need time to learn and adapt to new patterns, so patience is crucial. You may not see immediate results, but sticking with the routine consistently will eventually pay off. Remember that each baby is unique; what works for one might not work for another. Keep trying different methods until you find what suits your baby best.

Create a Short Nap Routine

Incorporating a mini-version of your nighttime routine into naptime can help reinforce sleep cues and make the transition to sleep smoother. For instance, a brief story, a gentle lullaby, or a few minutes of quiet cuddling can signal to your baby that it's time for a nap. This abbreviated routine helps maintain consistency throughout the day, reinforcing the signals that it’s time to rest.

Adjust as Needed

As your baby grows, their needs will change. It's essential to remain flexible and adjust the routine to fit their current stage of development. For example, if bath time becomes too stimulating as your baby becomes more active, consider moving it earlier in the evening and following it with quieter, calming activities like a massage or a story. Similarly, as your baby starts to engage more with their surroundings, you might need to introduce new elements to the routine to keep them engaged and relaxed.

Establish a Calming Pre-Sleep Environment

Creating a calming pre-sleep environment is vital for helping your baby wind down. Dim the lights, lower the noise levels, and create a soothing atmosphere. Consider using a white noise machine or soft music to mask any disruptive background sounds. Keeping the environment consistent each night will help your baby recognize that it’s time to sleep.

Be Mindful of Sleep Associations

Sleep associations are the conditions your baby learns to associate with falling asleep. For instance, if your baby always falls asleep while being rocked, they might struggle to sleep without rocking. Aim to establish sleep associations that will be sustainable and easy to maintain. Putting your baby down while they are drowsy but still awake can help them learn to fall asleep independently.

Seek Support When Needed

If you're struggling with establishing a bedtime routine or if your baby has difficulty sleeping despite your best efforts, don't hesitate to seek support. Pediatricians, sleep consultants, and parenting groups can offer valuable advice and support. Sometimes, a fresh perspective or professional guidance can make a significant difference.

By following these tips and creating a consistent bedtime routine, you can help your baby develop healthy sleep habits that will benefit them for years to come. Establishing a routine takes time and patience, but the effort is well worth it for the restful nights and happier days that follow.


Establishing a bedtime routine for your baby can lead to better sleep for both of you. Consistency, patience, and creating a calming environment are key elements in fostering healthy sleep habits. By starting small, being flexible, and incorporating a soothing pre-sleep routine, you can help your baby wind down and prepare for a restful night. Remember, each baby is unique, and finding what works best for your little one might take some time. With simple steps and tips, you and your baby will be on your way to a fantastic night of sleep, making bedtime a calm and cherished part of your day.

Creating a soothing bedtime routine for your baby can make a world of difference in their sleep quality—and yours. Consistency, patience, and a calming pre-sleep environment are crucial components that help establish healthy sleep habits. By starting with simple, predictable steps and remaining flexible to your baby's needs, you lay the foundation for peaceful nights and restful sleep.

For additional guidance or if you have questions about fine-tuning your baby's sleep routine, or the advantages of using a magic sleepsuit, reach out to Baby Merlin today. Their expert team can provide valuable insights and tailored advice to ensure your little one enjoys a comfortable and secure sleep environment.

With these straightforward strategies and the right support, you'll be well on your way to achieving a fantastic night of sleep for both you and your baby. Embrace these routines as an opportunity to bond and create a sense of tranquillity that benefits the whole family. Don’t hesitate to seek help if needed—your journey towards restful nights and happy days starts now!

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