How to Get Newborns to Sleep at Night | The Essential Guide to Daytime Activities

How to Get Newborns to Sleep at Night | The Essential Guide to Daytime Activities

Ensuring a good night's sleep for your newborn can feel challenging, especially when their days are filled with constant demands for feeding, diaper changes, and comfort. Understanding how to get a newborn to sleep at night often requires more than just creating a calming bedtime routine, it involves optimising their entire daily schedule. Engaging your baby in purposeful daytime activities is a crucial part of this process. This comprehensive guide explores the essential daytime activities for newborns that contribute to better nighttime sleep, providing evidence-based strategies supported by reputable sources like the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and The Lullaby Trust.

Understanding Newborn Sleep Patterns

Newborns have unique sleep patterns that differ significantly from older children and adults. At birth, babies have very short sleep cycles, typically lasting about 50-60 minutes, and they may sleep anywhere from 14 to 17 hours a day. Understanding these patterns can help parents manage expectations and create a sleep environment that supports their baby's needs.

 It's important to recognize that newborns often wake up frequently throughout the night for feedings and comfort, as their tiny stomachs require regular nourishment and they crave the closeness of their caregivers. Establishing a consistent sleep routine, ensuring a safe and comfortable sleep space, and being patient with the frequent wake-ups can contribute to better sleep for both the baby and the parents as they adjust to their new sleep patterns.

The Importance of Daytime Activities for Newborns

Daytime activities for newborns are crucial for shaping their sleep patterns and fostering their overall development. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) emphasises that a well-structured daytime routine, enriched with diverse forms of stimulation, is vital for helping infants establish healthy sleep habits and cognitive abilities. By incorporating a balanced mix of physical exercises, sensory experiences, and interactive play, parents can significantly influence their baby's sleep quality and developmental progress.

Physical activities, such as tummy time, strengthen muscles and promote motor skills, which are foundational for a good night's sleep. Sensory activities, including exposure to different textures, sounds, and sights, stimulate brain development and enhance sensory processing. Interactive activities, like talking and reading to your baby, support language development and create emotional bonds that contribute to a sense of security and comfort.

Engaging in these activities not only helps your newborn stay alert and content during the day but also sets the stage for more restful nights. A well-rounded daytime routine ensures that your baby is tired enough by bedtime, leading to smoother transitions to sleep and better overall rest. Therefore, investing time in meaningful daytime activities is essential for nurturing your baby's development and promoting healthy sleep patterns.

Benefits of Day Sleep

Daytime sleep is crucial for a newborn's overall development and well-being. Adequate daytime naps help prevent overtiredness, which can make it harder for babies to fall asleep at night. According to the AAP, daytime sleep is essential for cognitive development and emotional regulation. Ensuring that your baby gets enough rest during the day contributes to better night-time sleep and a more balanced mood.

Regulation of Sleep-Wake Cycles

 Exposure to natural light and physical activity during the day helps regulate your baby's circadian rhythm. This internal clock influences their sleep-wake patterns and can make falling asleep at night easier.

Development of Sleep Associations

 Incorporating a consistent schedule of daytime activities helps your baby learn the difference between day and night. This differentiation supports the establishment of a bedtime routine that signals to your baby that nighttime sleep is approaching.

Improved Physical and Cognitive Development

Activities like tummy time, sensory play, and music stimulation are crucial for physical and cognitive development. These activities not only enhance your baby's motor skills and sensory perception but also contribute to better sleep quality.

Tips to Help You and Your Baby Get a Good Night's Sleep

You might be wondering, "How to get a newborn to sleep at night?" Establishing a consistent and effective bedtime routine is key to helping your baby transition smoothly from daytime wakefulness to restful sleep. Here’s how you can use daytime activities to improve your newborn’s nighttime sleep:

Establish a Consistent Bedtime Routine

A well-established bedtime routine is foundational for good sleep hygiene. Consistency is key; performing the same calming activities each night helps signal to your baby that it’s time to wind down. A bedtime routine might include a warm bath, gentle massage, reading a book, or singing a lullaby. According to the AAP, a predictable bedtime routine helps regulate your baby’s internal clock and improve their overall sleep quality.

Research published in Sleep Medicine Reviews highlights that bedtime routines are associated with improved sleep outcomes, including reduced sleep onset latency and fewer night wakings (Mindell, 2021).

Get Some Sun

Exposure to natural light during the day can play a significant role in regulating your baby’s circadian rhythm. The Lullaby Trust recommends that babies spend time outdoors in daylight to help establish a regular sleep-wake cycle. Sunlight exposure helps synchronise your baby's internal clock with the day-night cycle, which can improve sleep patterns.

A study published in Pediatrics found that exposure to daylight influences circadian rhythms and enhances sleep quality in infants (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2016).

Be Active

Physical activity during the day is essential for a newborn’s development and sleep. Activities such as tummy time, gentle rocking, or stroller walks help expend excess energy and promote better sleep. The AAP emphasises that regular physical activity is crucial for regulating sleep patterns and supporting overall health.

Research in Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology indicates that active play and tummy time contribute to better sleep and developmental outcomes (Harrison, 2019).

Encourage Tummy Time

Tummy time is vital for building strength in your baby’s neck and shoulders, which is beneficial for motor development and sleep. Start with short sessions and gradually increase the time as your baby becomes more comfortable. Incorporate tummy time into your daily routine to help your baby develop the skills necessary for more restful sleep.

The AAP recommends tummy time to promote motor development and prevent delays (AAP, 2018). A study in Early Human Development links tummy time with improved sleep and developmental milestones.

Limit Screen Time

Exposure to screens before bedtime can disrupt your baby’s sleep by interfering with melatonin production. The Lullaby Trust advises limiting screen time and avoiding electronics in the hour before bedtime. Instead, engage in calming activities that help prepare your baby for sleep.

According to the AAP, excessive screen time is associated with poorer sleep quality and shorter sleep duration in children . Reducing screen exposure before bed supports better sleep outcomes.

Use Infant Massage

Infant massage is a soothing technique that helps relax your baby and prepare them for sleep. Incorporate gentle massages into your bedtime routine to enhance bonding and support relaxation. Massage can also improve sleep quality and reduce stress for both you and your baby.

Studies published in Pediatric Physical Therapy demonstrate that infant massage promotes better sleep and reduces crying .

This highlighted the numerous benefits of infant massage, particularly in enhancing sleep quality and reducing crying. Research indicates that gentle, rhythmic massage can have a profound calming effect on infants, which not only helps them fall asleep more easily but also contributes to longer and more restful sleep. The physical touch involved in massage stimulates the release of endorphins and other feel-good hormones, promoting relaxation and lowering stress levels in babies. 

The soothing effect of massage can alleviate discomfort that might be contributing to fussiness and crying. By incorporating regular massage into your baby's routine, you can help establish a more peaceful sleep environment and potentially reduce the frequency and intensity of crying episodes. Overall, infant massage serves as a valuable tool in supporting both emotional and physical well-being, leading to improved sleep patterns and greater overall comfort for your baby.

Reading to Your Baby

Reading to your baby is a valuable activity that fosters a calm environment and supports cognitive development. Establishing a bedtime reading routine helps signal that it’s time to wind down and can improve sleep quality. Choose books with soothing rhythms and comforting stories to create a relaxing bedtime experience.

Incorporating reading into your baby’s bedtime routine not only enhances cognitive development but also creates a soothing transition from the day's activities to sleep. Consistent bedtime stories help establish a calming ritual that signals to your baby that it’s time to wind down. Opt for books with gentle rhythms and comforting tales to foster a peaceful atmosphere, encouraging a smoother transition to sleep and improving overall sleep quality. By making reading a cherished part of your nightly routine, you can nurture your baby’s love for books while promoting a restful and serene bedtime environment.

Narrate Your Day

Talking to your baby throughout the day helps with their cognitive and language development. Narrating daily activities and interactions provides stimulation and builds a strong bond. Even though your baby may not understand your words yet, this verbal interaction supports their development and helps them feel secure.

Research from The Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology highlights that frequent verbal interaction promotes better language skills and secure attachments.

Play with Sensory Toys

Sensory toys engage your baby’s senses and can be an excellent way to promote exploration and relaxation. Introduce toys with various textures, sounds, and colors to provide stimulating experiences. Sensory play helps your baby process and integrate sensory information, contributing to better sleep.

According to Early Childhood Research Quarterly, sensory play supports cognitive development and improves sleep patterns.

Seek Professional Guidance

If you encounter persistent sleep challenges with your baby, consider consulting a paediatrician or sleep specialist. Professional guidance can help you develop a tailored sleep plan that addresses your baby’s specific needs and challenges. Experts can provide valuable insights and strategies for improving sleep.

The AAP recommends consulting with healthcare professionals for personalised sleep strategies and support . Professional advice can help navigate sleep issues and enhance your baby’s well-being.


In conclusion, navigating the path to a good night’s sleep for your newborn involves a multifaceted approach that extends beyond the bedtime routine. By integrating purposeful daytime activities into your baby's daily schedule, you lay the foundation for improved sleep patterns and overall development. Engaging your baby in physical activities, sensory play, and interactive experiences throughout the day helps regulate their sleep-wake cycles, supports cognitive and motor development, and fosters a sense of security. As emphasised by the American Academy of Pediatrics and other reputable sources, a consistent and well-rounded daytime routine not only aids in preventing overtiredness but also enhances the quality of nighttime sleep. Remember, every baby is unique, and finding the right balance may require some trial and error. 

However, with patience and a thoughtful approach to daytime and nighttime routines, you can create an environment that promotes restful sleep and supports your baby's overall growth and well-being. If challenges persist, seeking professional guidance can provide tailored strategies to ensure both you and your baby achieve better sleep.

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