On average a baby is ready to move out of their swaddle anywhere from 2 months to 4 months of age. Be on the lookout for these signs that your baby is ready to make the transition:
👉🏼 They are busting an arm or both arms out of the swaddle during sleep sessions.
👉🏼 They wake in a different position
👉🏼 They appear extremely frustrated, uncomfortable, angry, or unhappy in their swaddle
👉🏼 They have rolled
If you have seen any of these it is time to move away from the swaddle and into an easy transitioner like the @magicsleepsuit . Your baby will have their startle reflex up to 6 months old. The Magic Merlin Sleep Suit helps with muffling the startle reflex to prevent wakes during a sleep session, but also gives them more range of motion. You want to make sure that if your baby can roll in the sleepsuit you move away from it and into a sleep sack right away.
Making any of these transitions will probably take your baby a couple of days to get used to their new sleep apparel. The best thing you can do during this time is to stay consistent and support them through their sleep sessions. Before you know it they will be back to that great little sleeper in no time.
Leah Nolan is a Senior Certified Infant and Toddler Sleep Consultant with The Sleepyhead Coach www.thesleepyheadcoach.com